Friday, October 16, 2009


This was a lesson where students were required to identify the characteristics of Spring.

The result;
The students behaved really well. They were very attentive and imputed the discussion with detail about experiences and knowledge. Some said that colouring was boring, so maybe change that in the future? I tried to give clearer expectations but I feel as though I need to praise more when they do good work. I also need to slow down in the lesson and allow for topics to be expanded out, as I often rush. Furthermore I need to not allow anybdy to talk at all as this leads to further disruptions. I feel ridiculus saying ryhmes to get attention but they really respond to it so maybe I should look into some? Modulating my voice worked really well.
The break during the lesson of the drama activity and song helped them concentrate and focus for the writing activity. However some students were confused about the worksheet. I need to slow down and explain more.


So far during my practicum...

I feel as though I am doing well in terms of managing the class. They are really responding and listening to my authority. However my class is really well behaved. If students were to push authority, I wouldn't know how to apply the correct consequences. I feel older students would be much more difficult to manage; after teaching kindergarten I would'nt know how to teach year 6 effectively. Overall I am really enjoying kindy; much more then I thought I would and I think I really would love to have my own kindy class.

Clothing Lesson 7/9/09

During this lesson on prac I displayed a bundle of various clothes to the children. It was then their task to sort the clothes into the various categories for each season and dress a model.

My reflections:
The students were a little restless although Debbie says this is probably due to the change in scheldule that occured during the day. I should have included more time during the cut and paste activity as the students only got two pictures stuck on.
The students themselves seemed to really enjoy dressing up in the clothes.
As a teacher, I feel as though I am improving alot with instructions and reinforcement, however I need to find different ways of grabbing student attention. I also need to expect more from students when they answer questions. I often tend to give the answer quite quickly in order to keep the flow of the lesson continuing. Instead I need to ask 'why' students think the answer is a certain thing, and probe deeper.